I enjoyed the group site visits with Professor Yuan and my fellow classmates. The meeting times were heavily dependent on my schedule as my site preceptor did not want me to miss any of my scheduled rotation time. During the mid-evaluation I did not get to hear my classmates present as I had a surgery scheduled and they kindly allowed me to go first. Professor Yuan was very helpful with her feedback, specifically which points are the most important during patient presentation. For the final evaluation, I was post on-call and was scheduled to go home so I was not in a rush and was able to hear my classmates present as well. Since all of us were in different specialties, it was interesting to hear what they had to say especially for the specialties I haven’t been to yet. Overall, I enjoyed the group evaluation because as Professor Yuan has mentioned, I did learn something from my classmates’ presentations as well.
Site Evaluation Visit Summary
- Self-Reflection
- H&Ps