The site visit with professor Mohamed was very helpful. It was a group visit with 2 other students which I enjoy because we can learn from each other. We all met together at a cafe on 2 separate occasions. On…
Overall, I really enjoyed my family medicine rotation with Dr. Richter at Rego Park. He is a very knowledgeable physician who knows and cares for his patients well and gives students enough autonomy to learn as well. One of the…
H&P1 H&P2 H&P3
Journal Article
This study was a prospective, randomized, single-blind controlled trial, which aimed to detect the safety and clinical efficacy of cauda epidural steroid injection with targeted indwelling catheter combined with four-step manipulative therapy (stretch, oblique pull, pull hip flexion knees, shaking…
Mini-CAT Spring 2019
Final Mini-CAT – Spring 2019 1 – The efficacy of antibiotic treatment versus surgical treatment of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: Systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial 2 – The current management of acute uncomplicated appendicitis: should there be…
Journal Article
Combined hormonal contraceptives for heavy menstrual bleeding This is an updated Cochrane Review, scope of which was changed to include all combined hormonal contraception as the intervention, regardless of mode of administration. New updated searches were performed in July 2017…
Typhon Report
Typhon Report
Site Evaluation Visit Summary
I had previously met with Professor Stephens for both of my site visits during my pediatrics rotation, so I knew what to expect and how to prepare. However, this time, one of the requirements was to submit H&Ps by email…
Even though I was able to perform a few pelvic examinations during my Emergency Medicine rotation, I was able to practice and improve my technique during this ObGyn rotation. The time spent in the clinic was particularly helpful, where I…
H&P#1 ObGyn H&P#2 ObGyn H&P#3 ObGyn